Can a Chiropractor Fix TMJ?
Before answering the question, “Can a Chiropractor fix TMJ?” let us find out exactly what TMJ is. Tempormandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) is caused by a disc in the jaw becoming removed from its rightful place or the muscles surrounding the jaw becoming swollen.

TMJ symptoms are pain around the joint, difficulty opening or closing your mouth and a sound like something is being ground when you do open or close your mouth. This is very painful and because the jaw is one of the most used joints in the body, it is almost impossible not to open your mouth.

When it comes to TMJ treatments, many people believer they can to the doctor, get some pain medication, and in a couple of days, everything will be fine. However, that is not necessarily true. Pain medications are fine but what they essentially do is cover up the cause of the symptoms. In addition, there is always the potential for addiction when taking powerful pain relievers.

Surgery is an option but it is expensive and not without danger. Therefore, in answer to your earlier question, “Can a chiropractor fix TMJ?” the answer would be a definite yes. Since TMJ symptoms can also include headaches, dizziness, earaches, and a problem with hearing, the sooner it is cleared up, the better.

A chiropractor will analyze the spine before recommending a treatment that will help ease the TMJ symptoms that you are experiencing. Some people suffer more pain from Tempormandibular Joint Syndrome than others do. When the chiropractor performs adjustments of either the neck or the jaw area, some people will have immediate relief from pain while others will need more treatment. This depends on how long you have had the problem. More TMJ treatments are needed if you have had this problem for a while.

When you go to see a chiropractor about the possibility of TMJ treatments, he will not only be concerned with treating this problem but making sure that it does not recur. Because of the philosophical elements of chiropractic treatment, such as naturalism, rationalism, and holism one specific area of the body is not treated as the cause of a problem. The body as a whole is treated.

A chiropractor can also suggest a few TMJ exercises that will relieve TMJ pain by relaxing your jaw muscles. Chiropractic treatments also depend greatly on using massage and meditation. Chiropractic care is somewhat similar to looking at the body as a machine. When certain mechanical problems develop, adjustments and alignments will help. That is one reason that it is very effective in treating TMJ.

Due to the very painful nature of TMJ symptoms, the sooner you seek treatment, the faster you can have relief. Because this is not a well-known problem like many other problems that are treated by chiropractors, such as back pain, many people think it will go away by itself. But the truth is it will not go away. Find a chiropractor near you and make an appointment. Then you will be able to answer, ”yes” when someone asks you, “Can a chiropractor fix TMJ?”
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