What is TMJ?
TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint is a disorder of the jaw joints or chewing muscles that cause pain when they no longer function properly.

The two Temporomandibular (TM) joints, located on each side of your head in front of the ears, are the most used joints in the entire body because they work together for chewing, talking, singing, shouting and swallowing.

Muscles attach both the bones and joints. Each joint has a small disc which allows smooth movement of the jaw when functioning. When the chewing muscles and jaw joints do not function properly together, TMJ disorder is the result. Displaced joints can cause mild discomfort to severe pain.

If you suffer with headaches, dizziness, jaw fatigue, earaches, facial pain, difficulty in closing the teeth together, pain when chewing or neck and shoulder stiffness, it may be TMJ disorder.
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